Why Email Marketing is Effective.

Email is one of the most widely used methods of digital communication, so it makes sense for entrepreneurs, governments, and NGOs to consider using email marketing to promote their businesses. 

Why Email Marketing?

Almost everyone uses email

Email is one of the first digital channels created to help business owners communicate with their customers and their internal team. While there are many other digital communication channels available, email is still considered one of the most widely accepted methods of digital platforms to reach almost any audience.

For both business and personal reasons, a wide range of age groups use email to communicate with each other. Some seniors may not be comfortable using social media, but most have an email address where they receive notices from financial institutions, service providers, and family members.

At the other end of the age gap, there is a high percentage of teenagers (78%) [1] logging into their inbox regularly for schoolwork or to get information from online programs (such as video games) to whom they gave their email addresses to create an account. With mobile technology available, people can check their emails 24/7.

For busy professionals, where email is the widely accepted form of digital communication, business professionals spend a high percentage of their day checking or sending emails.  There is a trend for forward-thinking organizations to adopt new forms of digital communication. However, people are often averse to change or don't have time to adopt new tools, making emails the 'go-to' form of communication.

Email Marketing provides a single platform for organizations to reach various target audiences.

People Want to Receive Emails

People want to know about things that interest them, and email continues to increase in popularity as a method of choice for receiving information.

  • 60% prefer to get promotional emails from companies they do business with.

  • 180% increase in email opens from 2013-2016 [2]

Email marketing proves to be a successful way to share information with target audiences. However, getting permission before sending an email to someone is not only the right thing to do but must be done to adhere to specific regulations. Before adding email marketing into your communications mix, review and comply with relevant regulations. E.g. CASL – Canadian Anti-Spam Law  

Personalization is Important

People want personalized information to help them make career decisions, topics of interest for their personal life (e.g. travel tips), promotions, technical support, and security updates. The list of what people might choose to receive is endless. Emails are one of the most popular ways people choose to receive information. However, with the popularity of email communication, peoples' inboxes can get full quickly and overload information. Personalized messages with only the information that your audience wants to see will help increase email opens and positive responses.

Email marketing Third-party tools, such as Mailchimp™ or Constant Contact™, offer an easy-to-use way to send customized campaigns. Based on the audience's interests, marketers can create segmented lists and send personalized messages through customized campaigns.

Marketers have noted a 760% increase in revenue from segmented campaigns [3].

Other features available through third-party email marketing software can assist with campaign customization. Detailed campaign reports provide metrics such as who is clicking on the links, when emails are opened, where they are opened, and what are the most popular links. Using simple, user-friendly, mobile-friendly templates, marketers can easily customize and keep the brand consistent across all email marketing campaigns. 


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